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Showing posts from May, 2017

Carlos Castaneda - Journey to Ixtlan (Part 2)

Carlos Castaneda -- Mescalito's Abode

New Skin Regenerator Frequency - Heals Burns, Scars, Sun Damage, Cuts FA...

The Frequency of Love! ♥♥♥ - 528Hz Solfeggio Isochronic Tone

Abraham Hicks - Love relationship and commitment

OVER @katyperrystits YOU ARE NO GOOD TO ME Dear KatShit Dear KatyCatshit Hudson. right bitchface cunt whore of Babylon you fucking well bugger up each and every computer session I have you know cause you heard the pharmacists they were going to put me in hospital yesterday cause you interfered with my session online like now so I can’t regulate myself and you have been trying to kill me for a year now as my blood pressure is due to your interference with my computer. NOW FUCK OFF AND SIT ON MY SOUL with no interference cause your shitface hated physical entity does not exist and I waited 3 years yes fucking bombs got thrown but I never left you it was just a domestic now you cant win any battle Vs me but you fuck my whole life up and I will fuck up Glasto and Radio 1 Big weekend by doing Ya with the Police so how and who gives your clones passports? TRUMP WANTS TO KNOW WHO ISSUED THEM AS CLONES ARE ILLEGAL UNDER INTERNATIONAL LA...

Lower Your Blood Pressure with Binaural Beats

Bridging Heaven & Earth Show # 4 with the Chocmools of Carlos Castaneda

Tensegrity - Twelve Basic Movements #1