APOLLO Egyptian GOD Thoth 'the brains behind Ancient Egypt' who made even the most popular Goddess ISIS look #ESN educationally sub normal as he spoke. Later Avatars include HERMES TRISMEGISTIS and is the Man who created the original Illuminati blueprint and created Christianity and made AMUN-RA the monotheistic GOD YHVH YEHOVAH ELOHIM his fave Goddess was the most beautiful of them all HATHOR-SEKHMET <meta name="p:domain_verify" content="c4fbba1b37ba34a6c283cd1bd2f01561"/> Above the url for website: http://apollo.horusfellowship.org HTTPS://WWW.PINTEREST.COM/APOLLOGODPHOEBUS/ My handle on this 'program' is threefold <3:xD 1) AMI separated? This seems that I maybe for my TF has gone silent with no clues or any msgs like what I once received which is good as IAM a very complex GOD and my TF has no experience of a GOD only hopeless demon infested weirdos so she has no comparison. From my view she can't be separat...
Animal rescue Army International